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When you checkout, you’ll be given the opportunity to give. When making a donation for products, please consider shipping and handling, which generally costs $5.00 per product. Every gift helps us carry the gospel, rescue and renew precious lives from human trafficking, and distribute materials into prisons.
Psalm 23 Experience Box set

This is Terry Tripp’s best-selling book. Millions of people have hell roaring in their minds. HELL is screaming FEAR, DEPRESSION, ANXIETY, DISEASE, FINANCIAL PRESSURE, FAMILY CRISIS and DEATH. However, God has given us three, what Terry calls, weapons, that empower us to silence hell; The Cross, The Word and Our Praise. As you discover these weapons, not only will hell be silenced, but a new sound will be released: FAITH, VICTORY AND HEAVEN!

Revival Of The Bible (R.O.T.B)
The Bible is the only book you can read and have the author present while you read it. Yet, in our culture, it’s under crucial attack. That’s why I wrote this booklet titled: Revival Of The Bible (R.O.T.B). In this brief 30-page book, I outline:
- 5 Lies About The Bible
- 5 Reasons To Believe the Bible
- Presidents and leaders view of the Bible
- The plan to get the Bible back in public schools
Can it be trusted?
Is it God-inspired?
Discover why no other book has been more studied, more used, and more abused than the Bible.
Order your copy, and consider making a donation to help us print and distribute one-million copies into schools, churches, businesses, and youth groups. It’s time this generation experiences a REVIVAL OF THE BIBLE.

Grace on steroids
This book is NOT about grace; it’s GRACE 500x GRACE.
Be empowered with 30 truths, including:
- Grace on steroids speaks the best about the worst of us
- Grace on steroids never looks at behavior; it looks for blood
- Grace on steroids expels the “WHY” so you can enjoy the “WOW!”
Stop living in grace A LOT; start living in grace ALONE.
This book will set you free from religion.

He IS You Are
In the 1950s, the late Dr. Oral Roberts shared a message that revealed Christ in every book of the Bible. A generation later, I developed a message that reveals YOU in every book of the Bible. I’ve added the best of both messages in this book. He Is You Are is designed to EMPOWER you with your true identity. If you, or someone you know, struggles with identity confusion, this book is A MUST HAVE!

- Why did the woman go to the well at noon?
- When people meet us, are barriers built or broken?
- Why did Jesus sit ON Jacob’s Well?
- What changes a bitter situation into the sweet?
- How can you overcome hurt of the deepest kind?
- Give up “Jacob’s Well”. Throw down your waterpot. Leave behind every religious monument you rely upon to gain man’s approval. It’s time to encounter Jesus … the seventh man.

- Why is Jonah the only incomplete book in the old testament?
- What kind of prayer equals results?
- What is the force that leads to success or failure?
- Why should you adapt the “shipmaster’s questionnaire”?
Radically empower your life with this CD and BOOK combo series!

This book is not for those who are just looking for “fire insurance.” It’s for those who want to know how to elevate their minds to who they are in their born-again spirit. Terry provokes your thinking and answers questions like:
- Did Jesus do miracles as God or a man?
- Does God control EVERYTHING?
- Does sin send you to hell?
- And much more…
If you’d like to hear the live teaching of this message, CLICK HERE

God, Googling and Grandma

Seeds For The Heart
Your heart is the production center of your life. Whatever is in your heart, you speak. Whatever you speak, you’ll see in your environment. It’s vital we sow God’s Word into our hearts. On this recording, I give you:
- Seeds for Identity
- Seeds for God’s love for you
- Seeds for healing
- Seeds for prosperity
- Seeds for overcoming fear
More than 50 scriptures, with commentary and teaching, will empower your heart and help you see the life God created you to live. If you’d like to listen now, click here.

Rest With Scriptures
A good night’s sleep is a vital part of life. Lack of sleep upsets how we think, act, and even heal in our bodies. I produced this recording specifically to help you rest. Not just rest, but receive rest with scriptures.
Meditation in the Word
is medication for your mind.
Put this on as you go to bed and let your mind think on the goodness of your Father. The beautiful music, ocean sounds, and scriptures I read will help you to set your mind on higher things. If you’d like to listen now, click here.

Journaling The Book of Job
- Why do bad things happen to good people?
- Does satan get God’s permission?
- Do all things that touch us go through God’s hands first?
- Are we to believe God gives and takes away?
In this teaching through the book of Job, Terry Tripp:
- Unwraps where God is and isn’t involved in life.
- Unveils four things that give the enemy access.
- Unravels a complex creation God contends with to get His will accomplished.
- Unleashes the power you’ve been given to create any environment you desire.
This two-CD set gives answers to one of the most misunderstood books in the Bible. If you’d like to listen now, click here. Book ONE | Book TWO

Our most requested teaching CD. In this one hour LIVE recording you’ll discover:
- What The Secret Place is
- All you receive because of The Secret Place
- How to activate all of the benefits

It is our responsibility as parents and grandparents to instill in our children the Word of God. What better time to start than at birth.
This CD features Kim Tripp reading scriptures that release the promises of God into every area of your children.
The soothing music will calm the atmosphere and the Word of God will build their faith.

Terry wrote seven of the nine songs. We’ve Got The Power, which is track #2, was written by Terry’s dad, LaVerne, in 1985.
Terry, in his style, recorded it on this CD so this generation can know we do have power in the name of Jesus.

Out of all the songs Terry sings, the one most requested is his version of the classic, Great Is Thy Faithfulness.
This CD contains that version, along with other hymns and worship songs, including, Give Thanks, More of Jesus (written by Mylon LeFevre), Holy, Holy, Holy and many more.